In this PHP training course, students will learn to create database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL or the database of their choice. The class also covers SQL basics.
What You Will Learn
Module 01: Overview Of PHP
- Static vs. Dynamic Web Sites
- Dynamic Content from Databases
- Developing Dynamic Internet Applications
- Client-Side Scripting vs. Server-Side Scripting
- Overview of PHP Advantages and Capabilities
- Configuring php.ini
- PHP vs. ASP
Module 02: Introduction to the Apache Web Server
- Apache Configuration Files
- Configuring Apache for PHP
- WWW Sites within Apache
- Apache Virtual Hosts
- Website Properties
Module 03: Basic Scripting and Looping Constructs
- PHP Scripting Fundamentals
- Print Statement
- Code Blocks
- Primitive Data Types
- Defining Constants and Variables
- Looping Constructs
- while
- do… while
- for
- exit & break
Module 04: PHP Operators
- Logical Operators
- Relational Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Other Operators
Module 05: Conditional Constructs
- True and False Expressions
- if, else and elseif
- switch/case Statement
- The ? (Ternary) Operator
- Timestamps
Module 06: PHP Functions
- Introduction to Functions
- Declaring Functions
- Scope
- Passing Arguments to Functions
- Local and Global Scope
- Passing Arguments to Functions by Value and Reference
- Returning Values from a Function
- Using Include Files
- The Require Statement
- Recursion
- Dynamic Function Calls
- Predefined PHP Functions
Module 07: Arrays in PHP
- What are Arrays?
- Usage of Arrays in PHP
- Array Indexing
- Initializing Arrays
- Operating on Arrays
- Sorting Arrays
- One-Dimensional Arrays
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Array Functions
- Forms and Arrays in Web Applications
Module 08: Working with Data Files in PHP
- Searching File Contents With Regular Expressions
- Changing and Editing File Contents
- Splitting and Joining Information Inside Files
- String Functions
- Regular Expression Functions
- Reading, Writing and Deleting Files
- Handling File Permissions
- File Locking
- Reading Directory Contents
- Creating and Deleting Directories
Module 10: Configuring and Using MySQL
- MySQL as a Client/Server Solution
- Introduction to MySQL Capabilities as a Powerful RDBMS
- Installing and Configuring MySQL
- Connecting to MySQL
- PHP Functions Specific to MySQL
- Executing SQL Calls
- Using PHP MyAdmin to configure MySQL
Module 11: Working with Databases and Forms
- Configuring PHP For Database Support
- PHP's Database APIs
- MySQL vs. Access
- MySQL vs. SQL Server
- Database Drivers
- Database Driver Class Wrappers
- Simple SQL Queries via PHP
- Tracking Visitors with Session IDs
- Populating Forms
- Retrieving Data from Forms
Module 12 Using Cookies with PHP
- Purpose of Cookies
- Cookie Myths
- Setting Cookies
- Retrieving Cookies
- Expiring Cookies
- Deleting Cookies
- Storing Arrays in Cookies